Tiny Toon 3 (Title screen hack of The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle).Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland.Final Mission (JPN version of S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Attack Team).Kage (JPN version of Shadow of the Ninja).Super Contra (JPN version of Super C) (24-in-1 menu for stage, weapon and lives selection).Takahashi Meijin no Bōken Jima (JPN version of Adventure Island).Ninja Ryūkenden III: Yomi no Hakobune (JPN version of Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom).Ninja Ryūkenden II: Ankoku no Jashin Ken (JPN version of Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos).Shadow Warriors (PAL version of Ninja Gaiden).Double Dragon IV (Title screen hack of Target: Renegade).Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones (US version of Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone).Makaimura (JPN version of Ghosts 'n Goblins).Contra (US version) (12-in-1 menu for stage, weapon and lives selection).The game list contains 2 Zapper compatible games, both of which are unplayable without it, and one R.O.B. The games are from all major regions (USA, Japan, Europe), but will work regardless of the region of your console (albeit sometimes with altered speed).

Pressing 'Left' or 'Right' will take the player to the previous/next menu screen and pressing 'A' or 'B' will skip 5 screens (40 games) at once. The menus are in Chinese and English, pressing 'Select' will switch the language. The menu system displays a preview of each game.

2 games are unplayable, possibly due to a programming error. Of those repeats 26 Nice Code Software minigames and 8 "real" games are duplicated in the ROM, as they are alternate versions or hacks of other games on the cartridge, and 45 repeats are made by changing the starting level of some games on the cartridge. The remaining 81 games are repeats/alterations or unplayable games. This multicart is 32 megabytes in size and contains 419 different games (311 "real" games + 108 Nice Code Software minigames). Classic Games 500-in-1 is a pirate Famicom/NES multicart, which seems to be based on CoolBoy 400-in-1 Real Game.